Hey there, I'm Sami.

I’m a Product Designer and recent graduate University of Washington (Seattle) where I studied Informatics with a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. I strive to craft experiences that are empowering, human-centered, and impactful. I'm currently searching for Product and UX design roles!

Previously, I was at Google as a Product Designer, creating AI-driven cybersecurity tool for Google's Android Security Team for my department capstone.
Before then, I was a UX Researcher at The User Empowerment Lab, where I had the privilege to co-author a research paper on AI-mediated communication. I was also a Product Design Intern at Substantial, where I crafted product deliverables for three major clients.


🛥️ My Journey

Before coming to university, I didn't have a specific career path in mind. All I knew was that I wanted to do something creative and impact people. During my freshman year, an Informatics course introduced me to product design and research. I was fascinated, and I knew then I wanted to enter the design space. I'd realized design was far greater than visual aesthetics: it can truly help people and change the direction of our world.

🧠 My Process

Having worked in several agile, cross-functional teams in complex problem spaces ranging from child-development to cybersecurity AI has molded my design process to be one championing efficient and frequent iteration, communication, and learning. These experiences have made me deeply aware of the impact design can hold people and the systems of our world. We must ensure to craft solutions with equity.

🎯 My Goals

As I continue my career in product design, I aspire to stay at the forefront of technological advancements, particularly within AI, to create innovative and empowering experience's for all. I hope to pursue additional development in leadership and mentorship skills to foster further collaboration and encourage continuous learning. I strive to create systems that tackle the complexity to create products that uplift and connect.

Some things I enjoy