
My Role
Product Design
Oct - Dec 2021
Project Info
Class Project
Team of 5
Early Concepting
User Research
Visual Design
Tools Used


The Problem

Electronic waste is one of the most pressing threats facing our world today. Many components within current technological products are extremely toxic and are often incorrectly disposed of, resulting in irreversible health and environmental damage. The increased rate of technology obsolescence, first-world consumer culture, and lack of device repair and disposal knowledge have resulted in the rapid inappropriate disposal of electronic devices.

​My team and I wanted to improve the way university students connect with e-waste disposal and repair options and encourage them to learn more about this pertinent issue. My main responsibility was synthesizing user research and designing the user interface.

The Solution

Our mobile app Refresh allows users to easily connect with electronic device disposal and repair outlets while simultaneously becoming more informed on the e-waste problem space.


  • In 2021, 16.8 lbs of e-waste were generated per capita globally on average. (Environment Program, 2021)  ​
  • A total of 130.3 trillion pounds of e-waste was generated in 2021, of which only 17.4% was correctly disposed (Environment Program, 2021)
  • Inappropriate e-waste disposal has been linked to severe environmental and health complications, including cancers, miscarriages, neurological damage, atmospheric degradation, and planetary ecosystem imbalance (Walter, 2021)
  • E-waste contains hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, chromium, zinc, and brominated flame retardants (Electronics Corporation, 2020)

Project Timeline

Empathize, Define
Project planning
Understanding the space
Defining project goal
Competitive Analysis
User Interview
Design, Prototype
Solution Framing
Testing and Iteration
Interactive Prototype
Project Reflection
OverviewResearchDesignFinal DesignReflection


Research Methods Used

Competitive Analysis
User Interviews

Competitive Analysis

I looked at e-waste solutions that currently exist on the market. Limitations with these current outlets included limited scalability, difficult accessibility, minimal functionalities, & unethical practices.

Outcome: We concluded that there is not a current solution that necessarily provides a convenient, accessible, and educational medium in regard to e-waste disposal and repair.
Brick & Mortar + Mobile Application Electronic Waste Solutions

User Interviews

Goal:  To gain insight into the electronic-device owner perspective as well as user tendencies, goals, and values when disposing or repairing their devices. Semi-structured interviews were appropriate as we wanted to gain a more detailed and personal insight. We interviewed university students across the United States to do so.

Outcome: Our interviews revealed a pattern of common e-waste disposal and repair behaviors and pain points amongst university students.

Relevant Findings

01 - Disposal Complexities

Difficult to connect with appropriate disposal or repair services that accept specific devices due to varying service acceptance criteria.

02 - Insufficient Knowledge

General lack of understanding on available proper e-waste disposal mediums, basic device repair skills, and the e-waste problem space.

03 - Presence of Effort

Interviewees explained past attempts to correctly dispose or repair their electronic waste, indicating the willingness to engage in sustainable and responsible e-waste practices.

04 - Lack of action

Repeated incidents of long-term personal e-waste collection due to lack of adequate disposal or repair process understanding.

05 - Poor Accessibility

Many e-waste disposal and repair solutions are not conveniently accessible for interviewees, resulting in time-consuming and tedious commuting and research, incorrect disposal, or device storage.

Design Implication: The solution should be easily accessible and easily integrate into users lives.


Goal:  I created a survey to better understand people's experiences and thoughts on electronic device disposal and repair through single and multi-select multiple-choice questions.

Outcome: Over 60 respondents indicated convenience and accessibility of improper disposal outlets combined with insufficient e-waste management and repair knowledge lead to their mismanagement of e-waste. Holding a sense of environmental responsibility was a prime motivator for respondents engaged in proper e-waste management.

User Personas

Outcome: Using data from our research, interviews, and survey, we were able to create distinct user personas involved in this issue and identify their needs, goals, and pain points. These personas ensured our solution would remain user-centered. One user persona I created is below.

The Bottom Line

Many stakeholders have indicated willingness to engage in sustainable e-waste management practices, however, the current e-waste disposal and repair experience is riddled with scalability, accessibility, inclusivity, and awareness issues.


Type of User
My research synthesis revealed two primary types of users:

1. Those who have engaged in e-waste disposal and repair
2. Those who have not engaged in e-waste disposal or repair

This solution is designed for both types of users, as the features of the platform attempt to satisfy the goals of both parties.

Project Scoping

Intuitive + Flexible
platform should be easily navigable and should conveniently connect users with disposal and repair services
users should be able to learn about the e-waste problem space in an simple, informative manner
users should feel encouraged to engage in appropriate e-waste management and education material
Design Challenge
How might we holistically educate individuals on electronic waste while simultaneously reducing the convenience and accessibility issues related to e-waste disposal and repair?

Solution Framing


Secondary Features
Device Identification
Using a device's camera, users are able to scan specific devices to add to a pickup or repair request and gain pertinent details on the scanned device, saving users time and clearing up any uncertainties (e.g. toxicity, model, etc)
Discover Page
Will display nearby e-waste disposal services on an interactive map based upon a user's location and selected filters, allowing users to easily find close by and relevant services.
Metric Storage
Users will be able to view stored metrics, such as total scheduled repairs, pickups, and earned rewards, providing a more tangible way for users to gauge their impact and investment in the platform.


Initial Wireframes  (Low-Fidelity)

Post ideation with my team, I created a set of low-fidelity wireframes in Whimsical to outline the basic content placement and flow of each interface. These wireframes helped me decide how to best manage the screen real estate and potential use cases.

Usability Testing

After I created a set of mid-fidelity wireframes, my team conducted four usability tests to identify initial impressions, points of confusion, and other critical events with our stakeholders. After synthesizing these insights, I implemented strategic design adjustments to improve our product.









Visual Language Decisions

  • I selected Poppins as the primary font due to it being one of the most popular fonts for modular and minimalistic interfaces given its simplicity and balance. The varying widths of Poppins created an information hierarchy that allowed for easy information traversal.
  • A combination of greys was used to improve readability and offset the more intense, vibrant colors.
  • Dark mint was our primary interface color due to its strong psychological associations with renewal, environment, health, and nature, paralleling our platform's main purpose and problem space.
  • Color was used in specific areas to highlight information, provide contrast, or draw attention (e.g. error prevention).
Primary Features
Pickup Scheduling
Users are able to schedule tailored e-waste pickups that directly match their specific device, availability, and location criteria, creating a more convenient and streamlined disposal experience.
Repair Scheduling
Allows users to easily connect with appropriate repair services based upon their specific device model and issues, improving repair discovery efficiency and service accuracy.
Education Gamification
Allows users to easily connect with appropriate repair services based upon their specific device model and issues, improving repair discovery efficiency and service accuracy.

Final Design

After implementing usability testing feedback and consulting with my team, I created a set of high-fidelity, interactive wireframes within Figma.

Home Interface

The first screen allows the user to access the education feature, view reward metrics, and manage in-app friends. Easy access to this content triggers platform engagement due to anticipation of future rewards and increased platform investment.

Home Interface

The first screen allows the user to access the education feature, view reward metrics, and manage in-app friends. Easy access to this content triggers platform engagement due to anticipation of future rewards and increased platform investment.

Education Interface

Users are able to learn e-waste and earn rewards by completing objectives. By implementing rewards, saving progression, and introducing relevant educational material, we increase the likelihood of user retention and engagement with the e-waste services on our app.

Education Interface

Users are able to learn e-waste and earn rewards by completing objectives. By implementing rewards, saving progression, and introducing relevant educational material, we increase the likelihood of user retention and engagement with the e-waste services on our app.

Pickup Interface

Our research revealed unfamiliarity and inconvenience lead to the mishandling of e-waste. The ability to schedule a tailored e-waste pickup and scan hardware to easily add any device to a pickup increases the simplicity and convenience of e-waste disposal.

Pickup Interface

Our research revealed unfamiliarity and inconvenience lead to the mishandling of e-waste. The ability to schedule a tailored e-waste pickup and scan hardware to easily add any device to a pickup increases the simplicity and convenience of e-waste disposal.

Pickup Interface

Our research revealed unfamiliarity and inconvenience lead to the mishandling of e-waste. The ability to schedule a tailored e-waste pickup and scan hardware to easily add any device to a pickup increases the simplicity and convenience of e-waste disposal.

Discover Interface

Users connect with filterable disposal services via an interactive map. Displaying nearby disposal services with time availability, travel distance, and services offered improves the ease and simplicity of e-waste disposal for time-pressed university students.

Discover Interface

Users connect with filterable disposal services via an interactive map. Displaying nearby disposal services with time availability, travel distance, and services offered improves the ease and simplicity of e-waste disposal for time-pressed university students.

Discover Interface

Users connect with filterable disposal services via an interactive map. Displaying nearby disposal services with time availability, travel distance, and services offered improves the ease and simplicity of e-waste disposal for time-pressed university students.

Repair Interface

Our research revealed many users lack repair skills and resources but have attempted to fix devices in the past. Users are able to connect with appropriate repair services based upon specific hardware issues.

Repair Interface

Our research revealed many users lack repair skills and resources but have attempted to fix devices in the past. Users are able to connect with appropriate repair services based upon specific hardware issues.

Repair Interface

Our research revealed many users lack repair skills and resources but have attempted to fix devices in the past. Users are able to connect with appropriate repair services based upon specific hardware issues.

Profile Settings

A user profile ensures user preferences and information remain easily accessible each time the user enters the mobile application, streamlining in-app processes in a secure environment.

Profile Settings

A user profile ensures user preferences and information remain easily accessible each time the user enters the mobile application, streamlining in-app processes in a secure environment.

Profile Settings

A user profile ensures user preferences and information remain easily accessible each time the user enters the mobile application, streamlining in-app processes in a secure environment.


A particular challenge with the project was defining the problem we wanted to focus on, ensuring it was relevant and was in scope for the course and a single project. Though it took time, performing in-depth background research and frequently communicating within the team helped us narrow down the problem our project should be centralized around.

Being the design lead for my team, I felt a significant amount of responsibility and pressure to translate our team's research and usability testing insights into actionable, professional design work. This at times was challenging due to the time constraints surrounding the quarter and having to satisfy a large number of actors (users, teammates, professors, TA's). Learning how to take into account project scope, feasibility, timelines, and differing team/stakeholders perspectives are new dynamics I was introduced to. Continuing to learn how to design in more collaborative, team-based settings is something I will to work on in the future.

Thanks for stopping by, feel free to explore my other projects!